Mykolaiv region
The village of Kyselivka in the Mykolayiv region came under Russian occupation in the first days of the full-scale invasion. On March 23, the Ukrainian military liberated the village. However, the fighting continued until the liberation of the entire right bank of the Dnipro river at the beginning of November 2022.
Many houses in Kyselivka were destroyed or seriously damaged. Most of the inhabitants left the village. At the end of November 2022, out of 1,200 people, only 20 remained in Kyselivka. The local school, kindergarten, and village council were damaged due to constant Russian shellings.
As a result of Russian shelling, a cultural monument of the XIXth century – the ancient chapel of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1852 – was destroyed. At the beginning of May 2022, Russian troops shelled the chapel with artillery. As a result of the fire, it completely burned down.
In April, Russian troops damaged pipelines that transported water to Mykolaiv. Only in November 2022 the repairements started. For seven months, Mykolaiv was without central water supply.