About us

360° war is a multi-dimensional project for a broader understanding of the consequences and present of the Russian war in Ukraine, which includes media, a digital map of destruction, and immersive exhibition projects engaging VR technologies.

We started the project in April 2022 by documenting the newly deoccupied Kyiv region in the format of 360° panoramas. Since then, we have shot over two thousand panoramas of Ukrainian cities and villages destroyed by the Russians, and have also developed dozens of virtual tours. All of them can be found on the Map of Destruction .

We distribute our works at international exhibitions and forums so that the world can see the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In March 2024, we presented our first immersive exhibition project, “HERE WAS MY HOME.” The exhibition was held in the Powder Tower in Lviv for a month. It included over 100 printed photographs, a few video stories, a VR zone, a projection room, an interactive map, and artifacts from frontline cities and villages of Ukraine.

We transformed the project, and now we not only show, but also tell — through text reports, photo and video stories — how the lives of Ukrainians changed because of the war, and about the challenges faced by residents of frontline regions. You can find them in the Publications .