Editorial policy

Our Mission

Through immersive technologies, draw the world's attention to Russian aggression in Ukraine, tell how the full-scale Russian invasion changed the lives of Ukrainians, and create a virtual museum of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Our Values

  • Independence. We are an independent media. In choosing topics, we focus exclusively on public interest and do not promote the interests of any political force.
  • Reliability. We thoroughly verify the information we use when preparing our materials. We do not publish data from unverified sources, unofficial social media pages, or Telegram channels.
  • Impartiality. We are careful in presenting information: we do not distort or embellish reality, hide important details or exclusive footage for personal gain, manipulate, or make jokes. We work with sensitive topics, where each destroyed building, occupied city, or village represents shattered lives.
  • Empathy. When creating content, we prioritize human dignity over the sensationalism of a story. We do not film people or their homes without permission. We make every effort to avoid retraumatizing people affected by shelling, occupation, violence, loss of loved ones, homes, and more.
  • Honesty. We communicate openly with our audience: if we make mistakes, we apologize, learn from them, and implement measures to prevent them in the future.